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Bring speed with confidence , security without sacrifice, and visibility to DevOps success.

GitLab is a complete DevOps platform, delivered as a single application, fundamentally changing the way Development, Security and Operations teams collaborate and create software. From idea to production, GitLab helps teams improve cycle time from weeks to minutes, reduce development costs and time to market, while increasing developer productivity.


risk reduction

GitLab provides static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), container verification and dependency checking to help you deliver secure applications along with license compliance.

Agile and efficient software

GitLab helps teams manage and optimize their software delivery lifecycle with metrics and value stream insight to optimize and increase their delivery speed. GitLab helps you manage your end-to-end value stream.

Efficiency to work

GitLab is the DevOps platform that empowers organizations to maximize the overall return on software development by delivering software faster and more efficiently, while strengthening security and compliance. With GitLab, every team in your organization can collaboratively plan, build, secure, and deploy software to drive business results faster with complete transparency, consistency, and traceability.


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Controle de versão e colaboração

O gerenciamento do código-fonte permite a coordenação, o compartilhamento e a colaboração em toda a equipe de desenvolvimento de software. Rastreie e mescle ramos, audite alterações e habilite o trabalho simultâneo para acelerar a entrega de software.

Entrega ágil

As práticas de desenvolvimento ágil de software ajudam as equipes a dividir o trabalho em incrementos menores e acelerar o desenvolvimento e a entrega de software. Os poderosos recursos de planejamento do GitLab permitem que você agilize a adoção do ágil, mantendo-o intimamente ligado à entrega de software.

Arquiteturas de referência

GitLab é flexível. Quer você seja uma empresa apenas começando ou uma empresa complexa espalhada por vários continentes com milhares de desenvolvedores, o GitLab pode ser dimensionado de acordo com suas necessidades e requisitos de tempo de atividade.

Discover a simpler way to work.

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Count on Gitlab solutions!

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